Coinremitter Checkout for Magento 2

Magento eCommerce open source supports a wide variety of payment systems and gateways providing merchant services around the world.


Magento 2.4.4

Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway

Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform that serves a flexible shopping cart system, as well as control over the look, content, and functionality of the online store. Magento provides a wide range of features including inventory management, SEO, and multi-store support, making it a popular choice for small to large businesses.

Magento’s worldwide usability made us provide a worthy Magento payment plugin for Magento websites. With the help of this plugin, merchants can get the benefit of direct crypto payments on their Magento websites. The process shown below will help you integrate Coinremitter into your Magento website:

01. Requirements :

  • For the integration process with Coinremitter, users must have Magento version 2.x.
  • You must have created a Coinremitter account. If you don’t have one, then you must sign up.
  • Make sure that you have installed Elastic Search, because it is mandatory for installing Magento.

02. Plugin Installation Guide:

  • From Magento marketplace
  • From GitHub source code

1. Install from Magento marketplace :

  • You can visit the Magento marketplace to install the Coinremitter plugin. You can follow some easy steps to install it.
  • First, Login to your server and go to your magento root directory and download Coinremitter's Magento plugin v1.0.5, using this command.
    • composer require coinremitter/magento2:v1.0.5

    Here v1.0.5 indicates latest coinremitter plugin version at the moment. Please check for latest version before run this command

  • You’ll be asked to enter the username & password while installing the plugin.
  • You can get the public key and private key from ‘access keys’ under ‘my profile’ on the Magento marketplace.
  • Enter the public key for the username and the private key for the password.

2. Install from GitHub source code:

  • You can download the zip file of the Coinremitter Magento Plugin from GitHub.
  • Login to your server and unzip the file and rename it to ‘Checkout’.
  • You’ll find a folder named ‘code’ situated in the ‘app’ folder.
  • In case of the absence of the folder, create a folder in the ‘app’ folder with the name 'code'. Now Create a 'coinremitter' folder into the 'code' folder, Then move the ‘Checkout’ folder into the 'coinremitter' folder.

After downloading the plugin:

  • In order to proceed further, please run the following commands:
    • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    • php bin/magento cache:flush

You can now enable and adjust a bit of stuff in the Coinremitter plugin by implementing these steps:

Store   Configuration  Sales    Payments Methods

03. Configuration of Plugin :

On the configuration page, scroll down and go straight to the bottom of the page where you will find the Coinremitter CryptoPayment box along with a few other boxes that you have filled out with your specific needs.

  • Always allow the selected option YES to your website. If you like, you can change the Title name according to your preferences.
  • Place the correct time in the Invoice expiry date in the minute box.
  • Be sure when selecting the Order Status option. Because it will appear on your website when the order status is displayed to the customer.
  • To save this setting, you'll find the “Save Config” button at the top right corner of the page.

04. Create Your Coinremitter Wallet:


Coinremitter Checkout   Wallet

  • You’ll find the “Add wallet” option at the top left corner of the page.
  • Now go to the coinremitter website and log into your dashboard, you’ll get your API key.
  • In case you experience some trouble getting the API key then Click Here to get the explanation.
  • Head back to the Coinremitter page of Magento, and then select your wallet.
  • Paste the API key into the box and fill in the Password in the second box.
  • Don’t forget to add the exchange rate multiplier.
  • The default price multiplier is set to 1. For instance, if you set it to 1.10, then prices for cryptocurrencies will be increased by 10%, and you can set it to 0.95 in this text box for a 5% discount.
  • Setting the minimum invoice limit is necessary, The generated invoice won’t be less than the minimum invoice limit.
  • Click save wallet on the top right of the page.

05. How to make payment:

  • Once a customer creates an order and fills in all the mandatory details, the system will take them to the payment page.
  • You will see the option of Pay Using Cryptocurrency. Click on it.
  • Select one of your coin wallets from which you want to pay for the product and click place order.
  • checkout_option
  • At the very next moment, the system will automatically generate an Invoice which will appear on your screen.
  • invoice
  • Copy the Payment address from generated invoice and pay the exact amount from your personal wallet. Once you transfer to this address, it requires 3 confirmations to mark the order ‘paid’. It will automatically redirect you to the success page once payment is confirmed on the blockchain.
  • thankyou
  • Congratulations! You have now successfully paid for your product.

06. Check order details:

  • Go to your admin panel menu and click Sales, once the sidebar gets opened, click order.
  • Once you reach the order page you will see a list of your orders. Select one of these orders. Make sure that order is paid using Coinremitter’s payment option.
  • Click view from the order and you’ll find a newly opened tab on your screen.
  • On the left side menu, you will see the Payment Details (coinremitter) tab. Click it.
  • You will get to see the payment details there.
  • Payment Detail