ICO Payment Processor by CoinRemitter

Enable crypto payments in your ICO. Accept crypto payments from investors in ICO launches.

Why Choose CoinRemitter for Accepting ICO Payments?

Highly scalable for high-volume transactions
Network design concepts for high uptime
Encryption to protect sensitive information
Dedicated team for ICO payment integration support
Coinremitter ICO Payment

Get Started with CoinRemitter’s ICO Payment Processor


Sign up for a CoinRemitter account


Create a compatible crypto wallet


Integrate necessary crypto APIs to your ICO

Witness a Successful ICO Launch With CoinRemitter

24x7 Technical Support in API Integration During ICO Launch Period

A Dedicated Team of Experts For Technical Support Integration

Multi-Currency Support to Attract Large Audience Processing Fee

Robust Security Measures to Protect Your Funds

Witness Successful ICO Launch

When will your ICO take place? Reach Out to Us

Our priority is to ensure the success of your ICO. Let's discuss how can we make a smooth payment flow on your website. You can contact us by

Sending a support request email to Coinremitter's support staff.

Generating a support ticket from your merchant dashboard.

Sending us a message via Coinremitter's quick chat support.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • An ICO payment processor enables digital payments for ICO launches. Coinremitter’s ICO payment solution specializes in providing crypto payment services, in which crypto projects can accept crypto payments from investors during ICO launches.

  • Our payment processor integrates with your ICO launchpad and allows investors to contribute crypto. Coinremitter works as a medium between projects and investors to process crypto transactions.

  • No, currently we don’t provide ICO listing services on Coinremitter. However, you can rely on Coinremitter to accept crypto payments for ICO crowdsale.

  • Yes, Coinremitter can efficiently handle large transaction volumes without compromising transaction speed and security. This helps when your ICO grows and expands.

  • You can reach out to us at support@coinremitter.com. A dedicated team of experts will help you out with the API integration process.


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